1. People who surf the Internet are looking for information. When they land on your page give them what they are looking for. Free information on your landing page, that is pertinent to your site, is something the visitor will provide their name and email for. Step2
2. Do not make a hard sale. Provide just enough information so the visitor is sure you know what you are talking about and wants more. This is a marketing landing page, the sales comes in after they provide you with their information.Present the information professionally, without unnecessary words and graphics. Remember, a referral statement about how your product helped another individual used your product speaks volumes.
3. To get the best landing page conversion there should not be any other links on your page except the opt-in sign-up form. Any other link will lead the visitor away from the main purpose of the landing page - leaving their contact information. Step4
4. Throughout the sales letter remind the visitor about the value of the 'free' information you are offering. As an extra incentive offer an additional bonus that will provide subsequent information about your topic on your landing page. Continue to encourage them to leave their contact information and to 'white list' your email so they receive the information.For landing page testing try offering the bonus as a way of optimizing your site as one landing page and one without the bonus. See which one provides the greatest conversions.